Allen B Christensen

Hey there, I am Allen B. Christensen, Wellness Advocate and The Creator of Health Wealth TV. Together I want to help you to solve the challenges you may have of not knowing how to live a healthier and happier lifestyle. Obtaining Health & Wellness should be a simple journey, but often times it is way more complicated and stressful than it need be. My aim is to do just that…help us simplify our path to achieving a better state of Health & Wellness no matter who you are or what your current circumstances may be. I aim each day to be a Healthier and Happier human and I want to share all I already have been blessed to learn and now feel privileged to know as well as whatever knowledge I will continue to learn all the days of my life. I, in turn, plan to share all that with whomever wants to hear, or in many cases, needs to hear it.

Hopefully this in turn will help others to improve their overall health and sense of well-being. Step by effective step, we will build on our successes until we get to where each of us want to be and where we want to continue on our own paths. The reason I am so effective in helping others overcome their health & wellness challenges is because of my own first hand experience and understanding of what health & wellness truly IS as well as what it is not. Why it is so important to each of us what it means to our quality of life.

In my prior career as a professional chef, I was constantly focused primarily on food and nutrition and I have been physically active my entire life. With my upbringing, even though my mother, Zenia was a surgical nurse and connected to modern western medicine practices, she was also born and raised in Panama and led our family's home environment down a path that was more holistic and homeopathic like her home country. Exercising, eating right and taking care of yourself in my house growing up was simply the norm. I have virtually no childhood memories that don’t involve swimming, running, biking, jumping, climbing, eating well rounded nutritious foods and snacks, etc. My mother instilled this in me at a very young age. I could actually swim before I could walk and such it was with my 4 children. Between my mother and grandmother, they were always concocting some kind of an herbal remedy here or there. Mixing some essential oil into some kind of rub or another. That's most likely what spurred my drive later in life to become an Aromatherapist. They were always feeding me some mix of exotic fruits in one form or another form of something blended or mixed, to grated and shaved pieces of stuff made into some kind of Popsicle so I would think of it as a treat and eat it. That's most likely why I now have an affinity for all things Smoothie and Juicing and the like.They were both born and raised in Panama and in their country this was how it was when they grew up so that’s what they taught me. Even though my mother Zenia was a surgical nurse and needed to stay abreast of all the latest information and procedures in modern medicine, she also knew that much of what the doctors, hospitals, and she did was very much “reactionary”. She spent a lifetime assisting doctors in “fixing” things with people’s health after the fact. She always preached being pro-active and said to me my whole life: “You can have money, You can be rich & famous, You can be a king or queen…but without your health, you have nothing. Health IS Our greatest wealth in life” - Zenia Vargas(Christensen)  She was right on point and made sure we were always “ahead of the game” when it came to caring for our family’s health, sometimes even at her own expense.

Many of us have experienced first-hand way too much suffering and seen way too much un-happiness in people’s lives because of them or their loved ones going through a health struggle or struggles, myself included. Health struggles that were in many cases preventable if they would have made some simple and basic changes to their lifestyles and their attitudes before it eventually caught up to them. Like nutritional changes, or exercise changes, or how to cope with other issues like mental stress and physical exhaustion. However, one of the most common mistakes people make is that once they make up their minds to make a change concerning their health & wellness is that they don’t customize their approach to making the change or just don’t know how to go about it or even where to start. This results in a mismatch between their expectations and reality. That in turn ends up bringing even more stress and frustration to the table. 

Please understand this, you don’t need to be burdened by “not knowing” exactly what to do or having to be “perfect” in making the changes once you begin. You need only to make a commitment to yourself and then go get the knowledge you need in implementing those changes. The knowledge you will learn through HWTV will make it simple and easy for you to achieve your goal(s) once committed to it. 1 Simple step at a time, we will make it so that in a relatively short amount of time you will just build on your successes until we get you to where you want to be. Your health is in your hands, take action to preserve your most valuable asset. I am committed to help you live at your highest health potential. So feel free to contact me if you wish to talk. Take Care and remember to to do your best to "BeHappy, BeHealthy & BeWell" - AllenB

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